Exploring Diabetes Solution Beyond Insulin: Ayurveda’s Innovative Solutions for Diabetes

The global rise in diabetes prevalence is concerning, with numbers showing a sharp increase across different age groups and regions. Presently, around 246 million individuals have diabetes, with 46% falling between the ages...

Study finds inappropriate medicines lead to increased expenditure in Delhi

A study has revealed that comorbidities, prolonged hospitalisation, inappropriate medicines, polypharmacy and parenteral medicines being prescribed contribute to increased expenditure on drugs in elderly patients. The study...

Despite declared ‘Polio Free’, Why India needs to sustain efforts to prevent reintroduction of virus

A nationwide Pulse Polio Immunization drive to administer polio vaccine to children below the age of 5 was conducted in all districts across the country on Polio Day on Sunday. The nation had detected the last case of wild...