Combat Seasonal Depression of Winter Blues Hindering

Yoga can be helpful in beating winter depression, also known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Practising asanas like Sun Salutations, Downward-Facing Dog and more focus on uplifting your mood, reducing stress, and boosting energy. Here are eight yoga poses that can help alleviate winter depression.

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Sex getting boring? Tell partner to spice up

Having a real conversation is known to do wonders, and when it comes to your sex life, there’s nothing better than talking about it to your partner. Tell them how bored you feel in your sex life and discuss what you both can do mutually to bring back the lost spark in the bedroom.

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Told To Get A Boob Job: Sameera Reddy

Sameera might be known for her body confidence now when she embraces her curves openly on social media, but that wasn’t always the case. She talked to Mid-day about how she would often starve herself and eat one idli a day to remain thin. Today, Sameera is past that but it wasn’t easy navigating that pressure to change her body type.

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5 walking mistakes that are ruining your efforts

Walking is an effective exercise with health benefits. Mistakes like improper footwear and poor posture hinder progress. Overstriding and lack of variation limit effectiveness. Neglecting warm-up and cool-down increases injury risk. Proper footwear, posture, and avoiding overstriding prevent discomfort or injury. Read the article to know more about the mistakes made during walking.

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Natural juices to boost hemoglobin levels

Struggling with low haemoglobin levels? Boost them naturally with homemade pomegranate juice and apple skin. These nutrient-packed fruit and vegetable juices are rich in iron and other essential nutrients for optimal blood health. The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for adults 19-50 years is 8 mg daily for men, 18 mg for women.

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Why Workplace Romance is in trend? Should we go for this..

In the modern professional environment, where colleagues often spend a substantial amount of time together, the allure of workplace romance cannot be denied. However, this romantic involvement frequently prompts the question: Should individuals actively seek such relationships, or is it wiser to abstain entirely?

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Why drumstick water is a superfood

Moringa often referred to as the drumstick, has earned its status as a ‘superfood’, with moringa water emerging as a powerhouse elixir. 

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Bayer plans US expansion despite blood thinner drug setback

Germany's Bayer will continue its expansion into the U.S. despite its November announcement that its promising blood thinner candidate failed to demonstrate superiority over a competing medicine, the drugmaker's pharmaceuticals head Stefan Oelrich said on Monday.

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