AIIMS launches AI-based platform for Cancer Diagnosis

AIIMS, New Delhi, in collaboration with the Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (CDAC), Pune, has recently launched an AI platform,, for facilitating early detection of Cancer, the official statement released said.
Cancer is globally estimated to be the most fatal disease than those from cardiovascular (Lancet, 2019) in high-income countries (HICs), and middle-income countries (MICs).
According to the Global Cancer Observatory (GLOBOCAN) estimates, there were 19.3 million incident cancer cases worldwide for the year 2020. India ranked third after China and the United States of America.
A recent study published in the Lancet predicted that cancer cases in India would increase to 2.08 million, accounting for a rise of 57.5 per cent in 2040 from 2020. In India, over 8 lakh deaths were caused due to Cancer in the year 2022. Late detection of cancer remains the main cause of death.
It is globally estimated that out of 80% of cases reported late, only 20% survive. However, 20% of cases detected at an early stage have a survival rate of 80% or higher. Early diagnosis is thus the key to reducing fatalities due to Cancer. One of the key issues in manual diagnosis of cancer is reporting false negatives, meaning falsely declaring a cancer patient as healthy.
The use of AI significantly helps in reducing such false negatives.
According to the official statement released by AIIMS Delhi, at the core of this platform lies a sophisticated AI system capable of analyzing complex medical data, including diagnosis, with unprecedented accuracy and efficiency. platform encapsulates deep learning models.