Doctors remove ₹5 Coin from child’s stomach

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Medlarge Latest, Hospitals
Moolchand Hospital

In a remarkable display of medical precision, Moolchand Hospital’s skilled team, led by Dr. Rishi Raman, has successfully removed a ₹5 coin from the stomach of a young boy, showcasing the hospital’s commitment to excellence in emergency gastroenterology.

Shubham Mishra, the young patient, had accidentally swallowed the coin, which was lodged in his stomach. The incident was discovered through an X-ray after he showed no initial symptoms. He was immediately brought to Moolchand Hospital, where Dr. Raman and his team performed the endoscopic retrieval using Roth net under anaesthesia, expertly extracting the coin within minutes.

This swift and successful intervention highlights Moolchand Hospital’s leading-edge capabilities in handling pediatric emergencies. “We are deeply gratified to have been able to ensure the safety and well-being of young Shubham,” said Dr. Raman. The patient’s father, Umashankar Mishra, expressed profound gratitude towards Dr. Raman and the hospital staff for their quick action and care.

Moolchand Hospital remains dedicated to providing the highest standard of healthcare and reaffirms its position as a leader in medical excellence.
