Wrong side driving with no helmet causes hypovolemic shock, doctors reconstruct face

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Skull Injury AIMS

A team of doctors at a private hospital has successfully treated a young patient who had got severe facial trauma leading to massive bleed and hypovolemic shock because of wrong side road driving without helmet.  The doctors at Asian Institute of Medical Sciences (AIMS) Faridabad, immediately resuscitated the patient Trilok Sharma in the emergency department under the guidance of Dr. Satish Chaku, Director & HOD emergency medicine who successfully intubated the patient and stabilised him.

The case was then handed over to the Plastic and reconstruction team of Dr. Anshumali Misra, Associate director and head and Dr. Karan Goyal consultant. He was shifted to the ICU where he was further stabilised. Patient continued to have massive bleeding and was taken to the operation theatre on emergency basis. On evaluation he was found to have injury to the right eye, multiple facial fractures. Disruption of nasal cavity bleeding from skull base, loss of oral mucosa, skin loss over right side of face and fracture left forearm.

ENT team led by Dr. L M Parashar performed a Tracheostomy and the bleeding was then controlled by Dr Anshumali & Dr Karan. The patient was again managed in the ICU and once he was stable, complete reconstruction of the face was done by Dr Anshumali and Dr Karan Goyal with help from Dr. L M Parashar & team. The patient was managed in the ICU again & shifted to the ward once stable.

At present patient is doing well and the Tracheostomy and feeding tubes have been removed.

Speaking on the successful recovery, Dr. N K Pandey, Chairman & Managing Director, AIMS said, “Mr. Sharma’s case underscores the importance of adhering to road safety protocols, including wearing helmets. Such measures are crucial in preventing severe injuries like those suffered by Mr. Sharma.”