AIIMS conducts skill enhancing course in Colposcopy and treatment of CIN

The Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, AIIMS, on Saturday held a ‘Skill Enhancing Course in Colposcopy and Treatment of CIN’ AOGIN INDIA CME in association with AOGD Oncology Committee. This CME focused on the practical aspects of colposcopy and treatment of preinvasive lesions of the cervix and was attended by 70 delegates and 32 faculties from across the country.
The hospital said that it was an inclusive program that allowed all the participants a hands-on experience of various portable colposcopes and treatment modalities such as thermal ablation and LLETZ on models. They learned about the tips and tricks of the procedures.
“This is an important step in attaining the goal of cervical cancer elimination to ensure capacity building and hands on training to create a trained workforce to meet the needs of the country. It is proposed to conduct similar programs in all states and UTs”, said AIIMS.
Dr. K.K Verma Dean Academics AIIMS, New Delhi, inaugurated the program. Dr. Kamal Buckshee, Dr. Archana Verma, Dr. Neerja Bhatla Founder President AOGIN INDIA, VP FOGSI, Dr. Neena Malhotra HOD Dept. of Obs & Gynae AIIMS, Dr. Rupinder Sekhon President AOGIN INDIA, Dr. Ashok Kumar President AOGD, Dr. Jyoti Meena and Dr. Saritha Shamsunder conveners of the CME attended the program.