‘Health Award Scam: Give 75 thousand and take the award of your choice’

As we are closing to the 75th year of independence, the capital city is enveloped with the tricolor everywhere with a sense of pride and patriotism.
However, it has also brought ‘the sponsored events arena where you can get the award of your choice with paying a fix amount in health’.
“Give 75K and more, depending on the package you take for award and other social media rights for publicity”, this is the message a well-known doctor of the capital city has received from a health summit which is going to be held in a five-star hotel in October.
The health summit has a well-known News Channel as a TV Media partner with ministers and politicians.
The message sent reads further, “Compulsory Basic Participation and Print Media option@ Rs. 75K + Taxes:5%. Permission for the usage of the Award Certificate, Award Logos, Event Pictures in advertising and promotional campaigns, on official websites and stationery including letterheads and brochures among other things as per the official Limited Copyright Licence Rules and Regulations.
However, the event also promises to the publication in the national newspapers. It says, “Inclusion of Awardees Name & Pictures on National reputed NEWSPAPER. The Winners shall be handed over a framed certificate and a trophy by a celebrity of national repute in front of the media and other winners”.
After paying the amount, any doctor can use the Event pictures and Video(s) on official and third-party websites (s) like YouTube, Facebook.
However, if any doctor gets such award after paying the suitable amount, can he/she prove the beneficial for the society. Can he/she giver service to the society?
After 75th year of independence, if our doctors are lured with such freaky award and publication, what will be the future of India’s health?