Doctor reattaches labour’s hands

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Medlarge Latest, Hospitals
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital

A daily wage labour who lost his hand due to distraction caused by a phone call has got his hand reattached at a city hospital. His right hand had become completely detached after an accident while working in a factory. After a surgical procedure for hours, a team of doctors at reunited his broken bones, tendons, nerves, arteries, and veins that had been cut during the accident.

The labour – Ashok – was doing his daily routine while his right hand got chopped and detached from body. In a state of unawareness, he was taken to the Sir Ganga Ram Hospital. The department of plastic surgery at the hospital performed an examination and performed the hours-long operation to reunite his hand.

The team of doctors led by Dr. Nikhil Jhunjhunwala of Plastic surgery department performed the operation and reunited the broken bones, tendons, nerves, arteries, and veins that had been cut during the accident. After the exhaustive surgery procedure, the patient left the operating room with his hand restored the next day on April 8. The hospital said that he has started recovery and will soon be able to return to normalcy.
