Private Hospitals functioning as CVCs may charge Rs. 250 per person per covid dose

This nationwide vaccination program is now to be exponentially expanded to the following age-groups from 1st March, 2021.
Union Health Secretary Rajesh Bhushan interacted with Health Secretaries and MDs (NHM) of States and UTs on the vaccination of age-appropriate groups through a video conference (VC) today.
The nationwide COVID-19 Vaccination drive was launched on 16thJanuary, 2021. From this date onwards, Health Care Workers (HCWs) were given the first dose of the COVID vaccine while Front Line Workers (FLWs) were included from 2nd February, 2021. So far, more than 1.5 core vaccinations have been done.
This nationwide vaccination program is now to be exponentially expanded to the following age-groups from 1st March, 2021:
To ramp up the COVID vaccination capacity manifold, significantly large number of private facilities is being involving. Around 10,000 private hospitals empanelled under Ayushman Bharat PMJAY, more than 600 hospitals empanelled under CGHS and other private hospitals empanelled under State Govts. Health Insurance Schemes can participate as COVID Vaccination Centers (CVCs). Health Departments of State Governments have already initiated dialogue with these private hospitals so that they can be encouraged to participate in this drive as CVCs.
In addition, there would be Govt. health facilities which will be used as CVCs such as medical college hospitals, district hospitals, sub divisional hospitals, CHCs, PHCs, Health Sub Centers and Health and Wellness Centers. Geo reference maps with GPS coordinates of all these health facilities have been prepared that will serve as CVCs and these Geo referenced maps are being shared with the States.
The Government COVID Vaccination Centers will offer free vaccination for all with the Central Government bearing the full cost of the vaccination. All the private health facilities which will serve as Government COVID Vaccination Centers must follow strict norms of due process, quality and safety including integration with the National Co-Win technology platform. All private health facilities must also have adequate space, adequate cold chain arrangements, adequate number of vaccinators and support staff and adequate arrangements for addressing Adverse Event Following Immunization (AEFI).