The health sector has been allocated Rs 86200.65 crore in the Union Budget this year, a hike of 16.59 per cent against Rs 73,931.77 crore (Budget Estimate) in 2021-22. Out of total Rs 86200.65 crore (BE) for 2022-23, Rs 83,000 crore have been allocated to the Department of Health and Family Welfare while Rs 3200 crore have been allocated to the Department of Health Research.
As per the Budget Estimate of 2021-22, total 73931.77 crores were allocated to the health sector which included Rs 71268.77 cr for department of health and family welfare and Rs 2663 cr were given to the Department of Health Research. However, total 86000.65 crore was allocated for the health sector in the revised estimate for 2021-22.
The budget allocation for central sector schemes and projects has been increased from Rs 10,566 crore to Rs 15,163 crore. Among other central schemes, the budget allocation for the Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojana has been increased from Rs 7000 crore to Rs 10000 crore in the Union Budget 2022-23.
However, the National Digital Health Mission has received Rs 200 crores against Rs 30 crore allocated in the 2021-22 BE. The revised estimate for the National Digital Health Mission was raised to total 75 crores.
The union health minister Mansukh Mandaviya said that the budget will prove effective in making a self-reliant India and strengthening the Antyodaya targeted schemes. He greeted Prime Minister Narendra Modi and congratulated Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman for presenting the budget for self-reliant India.
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