World Population Day: India to overtake China as most populous nation by 2023

The whole world is celebrating World Population Day today. The day is celebrated every year on July 11 to raise concerns about the rising global population across the world.
As per an estimate, there are over 7.9 billion people around the world. The human population has consistently grown in the last few centuries.
However, in connection with India, the UN report has underlined that India will overtake China in rising population by 2023. A UN recent report has said that India’s population stands at 1.412 billion. As of now, China’s population is 1.426 billion.
The UN report further said that India will overtake China as the most populous nation by 2023. India is projected to have a population of 1.668 billion by 2050 much ahead of China’s 1.317 billion in the mid-century.
The governing council of the United Nations Development Programme established World Population Day in 1989. On July 11, 1987, the global population reached five billion, and hence the day came to be observed as World Population Day.