Three in four women don’t feel comfortable discussing periods with husbands: Menstrual Hygiene Survey

As the world celebrates the global Menstrual Hygiene Day movement, a menstrual hygiene survey has revealed that total 77.7 per cent men did little or no research to learn and understand their partner’s experience during periods. It further said that three out of four women don’t feel comfortable discussing periods with husbands.
India’s leading feminine hygiene brand everteen has released the findings of its 9th annual menstrual hygiene survey. As per the survey 52.2 per cent urban educated males in India have never bought a menstrual hygiene product for their partner.
In line with MHDay’s theme of #PeriodFriendlyWorld this year, everteen expanded the reach of its survey to also include males and gauge their awareness on menstrual hygiene. The survey received more than 7800 responses from people aged 18-35 years, including participation from nearly 1000 men most of whom had completed graduation or above.
Around 60.2 per cent of the men who participated in the everteen Menstrual Hygiene Survey 2024 said they spoke to their partner about periods very openly. However, more than half of men (52.2%) accepted they have never bought a menstrual product for their partner ever in life! Only 11.7% men said they take on extra responsibilities for the household tasks when their partner is on periods in an effort to ease her burden. 77.7% men have done little to no research to educate themselves about menstruation to better understand their partner’s experience during periods.
Total 69.8 per cent men felt that social stigmas and taboos make it hard for them to discuss openly about periods with their female partners. 65.3% men agreed there should be more emphasis on educating males on menstruation.
Even this first step of including men in a survey about menstruation helped shift some perceptions as 41.3% males promised to educate themselves more about periods after taking this survey, while 27.7% said they will listen to their partner’s needs and provide support during periods. 21.2% men said they will communicate more openly with their partners on the subject.
Mr. Chirag Pan, CEO of PAN Healthcare, says, “Males must unequivocally participate if we want to truly realize the vision of a period-friendly world. If half of the world’s population is unconcerned or uneducated about periods, the goal of a period-friendly world cannot be accomplished. In a society like India where taboos make it hard for men to accept menstrual periods as a normal phenomenon, we have tried to make humble beginnings by including male participation in our everteen menstrual hygiene survey this year, and include them in conversations around menstruation. I am happy to see the positive impact with so many male participants promising to taking on additional actions to support their female partners during periods.”