Doctor takes out 39 coins, 37 magnets from patient’s stomach

In a surprising case of medical procedure, a team of doctors at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital has taken out total 39 coins of Rs 1, 2 ,5 along with 37 magnets in the shape of heart, spherical, star , bullet and traingle from the abdomen of a 26-year-old young patient in the capital city.
The patient had visited Sir Ganga Ram hospital with repeated complaint of vomiting and pain in abdomen of more than 20 days. “Patient is a known case of psychiatric illness and was on treatment for same. His relatives had a xray abdomen with them which showed radio opaque shadows in abdomen with the shape of coins and magnets”, the hospital said.
The patient underwent Ct scan of the abdomen which showed huge load of coins and magnet causing blockage of the intestine. He was immediately prepared for the surgery. During surgery it was found the magnets and coins were present in the small intestine in two different loops. The magnetic effect pulled the two loops together and have eroded it, said the hospital.

Both the loops were rejoined by two different anastomosis(image4) Stomach was inspected and huge load of coins and magnets were found there also. Stomach was opened up and all the coins were extracted and stomach was repaired.
After inquiry, the patient said that he swallowed coin in impression that zinc helps in building body as coin contains zinc and swallowed magnet so that the coin stay in the intestine and there is more absorption of zinc, the hospital said.
However, after the surgery procedure, the patient was discharged in healthy condition after seven days.