CDSCO flags 2 drugs as spurious, another 111 fail quality test

The Central Drugs Laboratories have identified 41 Drug Samples to be ‘Not of Standard Quality’ (NSQ) and State Drugs Testing Laboratories have identified 70 Drugs Samples as Not of Standard Quality (NSQ) for the month of Nov 2024.
Further, 2 drug samples have been identified as ‘spurious drugs’, out of 2 samples, 1 drug sample has been picked by Bihar Drugs Control Authority and 1 sample by CDSCO (NZ), Ghaziabad. The CDSCO said that these drugs have been made by unauthorized and unknown manufacturers, using brand names owned by other companies.
The CDSCO said an investigation has been initiated in the case.
“Identification of drug samples as NSQ is done based on failure of the drug sample in one or the other specified quality parameters. The failure is specific to the drug products of the batch tested by the Govt. Laboratory and it does not warrant any concerns on the other drug products available in the market”, said the CDSCO.