Pharmazz’s Lyfaquin, approved by DGCI, proves wonder in managing massive blood loss and hypovolemic shock

The discovery of Lyfaquin as a resuscitative agent was made at Midwestern University in the USA and developed by Pharmazz to bring this product to the patient for the first time.
The pharma major Pharmazz India has introduced Lyfaquin, a major milestone in the treatment of shock because of its unique mechanism of action. The drug improves blood pressure by improving stroke volume and cardiac output with NO arterial constriction and augments pooled venous blood return to the heart and redistributes that blood to vital organs, a critical process to preserve organ function and reduce mortality in patients with shock.
The discovery of Lyfaquin as a resuscitative agent was made at Midwestern University in the USA and developed by Pharmazz to bring this product to the patient for the first time. After an arduous and lengthy path of developing a novel product, promising results of phase I, II and III clinical studies, Lyfaquin is approved by Drug Controller General of India (DCGI) as an add-on Resuscitative agent for Hypovolemic Shock.
“India is leading the world with this compound. It starts a new paradigm in managing hypovolemic shock. It was first made in Lucknow, India and later discovered as a resuscitative agent at Midwestern University in the USA. This is an example of working across countries to bring novel drug products to the benefit of patients. A significant amount of development of this drug took place in India with assistance from USA. India is the first country to approve Lyfaquin® and is now in the market, in India, to save lives. Lyfaquin is approved for sales by DCGI, returns to its birthplace to propagate new knowledge to the medical professionals who make treatment choices,” says Dr Anil Gulati, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Pharmazz, Inc.

Patients who would benefit from Lyfaquin include trauma and accident victims, patients with bleeding due to gastrointestinal, obstetric, and gynaecological disorders, victims of burns, surgical mishaps and soldiers in combat. Because of Lyfaquin’s effectiveness in augmenting blood perfusion to the major organs, Pharmazz has applied to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to determine if it can be used as an add-on treatment to provide hemodynamic stability, improve acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), multiple organ dysfunction score (MODS) and reduce mortality of critically ill COVID-19 patients. Lyfaquin has been applied to the UK COVID-19 Therapeutics Advisory Panel (UK-CTAP) to evaluate its use in the UK for COVID-19.
Dr. Gulati said further, ‘We have proposed human trials to the USFDA to determine if Lyfaquin is both safe and effective in helping patients who face potentially circulatory failure and development of shock from their COVID-19 infection”.
Pharmazz has license agreements with the University of Illinois and Midwestern University (USA). It has established strategic collaboration with National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (Mohali) and Delhi Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research University. Pharmazz has 12 development programs in various clinical stages for its first-in-class drug products. Each compound has a unique mechanism of action.