Stress vs. anxiety:  Know the actual differences and way to manage

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Stress and anxiety are both a part of the body’s natural response to danger with similar symptoms. While stress tends to be short term and in response to a recognizable threat, anxiety may linger and not have an easily identifiable trigger.

Whenever someone feels under threat, their body releases stress hormones. The purpose of this response is to ensure a person is alert, focused, and ready to deal with a threat. Stress hormones cause the heart to beat faster, resulting in more blood pumping to the organs and limbs.

At the same time, a person’s senses become sharper, and their body releases nutrients into the blood to ensure all parts have the energy they need.

This process happens really quickly, and experts call it stress. Anxiety is the body’s response to that stress.

Many people will recognize anxiety as the feeling of distress, unease, or dread that someone has before a significant event. It keeps them alert and aware.

Symptoms: There are many similarities between the symptoms of stress and anxiety. When someone is stressed, they may experience:

faster heartbeat

faster breathing

anxious thoughts

moodiness, irritability, or anger

general unhappiness

a feeling of being overwhelmed





When someone is anxious, they might experience:

faster heartbeat

faster breathing

a feeling of unease or dread


diarrhea or constipation


Stress and anxiety are part of the same bodily reaction and have similar symptoms. That means it can be hard to tell them apart.

Stress tends to be short term and in response to a recognized threat. Anxiety can linger and can sometimes seem as if nothing is triggering it.


People can treat or manage stress and anxiety in several ways, including:

Relaxation strategies

Relaxation strategies can help people to cope with stress and anxiety. They include:

breathing exercises

focusing on a soothing word, such as ‘peace’ or ‘calm’

visualizing a tranquil scene, such as a beach or meadow


practicing ta chi

slowly counting to 10


Physical activity can help people to combat stressful situations. This might be a brisk walk, a cycle, or a run. The fluid movements of activities such as yoga and qi gong can also help people to feel calm.