The national capital Delhi on Thursday reported 10 fresh Covid infection in the last 24 hrs, against five cases recorded in previous day, as per the Delhi government health bulletin.
In the same period, the city has also reported one more Covid related deaths.
Meanwhile, the Covid positivity rate of the capital city has been reported to be 0.41 per cent. The number of active cases stands at 32 out of which 18 patients are being treated in home isolation.
With 4 patients recovering in the last 24 hours, the total number of recoveries has gone to 19,80,559, while Delhi’s total caseload is 20,07,112 and the death toll in the city stands at 26,521.
The number of Covid containment zones stands at 4.
A total of 2,421 new tests — 1,299 RT-PCR and 1,122 Rapid Antigen – were conducted in the last 24 hours, taking the total to 4,05,72,462 while 686 vaccines were administered -38 first doses, 147 second doses, and 501 precaution doses.
The total number of cumulative beneficiaries vaccinated so far stands at 3,73,47,083 according to the health bulletin.
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