Delhi on Tuesday reported 5,481 fresh Covid cases, the highest single-day rise after May 16 when the tally was also 6,456. The new cases have pushed the infection tally to 14,63,701 in the city.
Total 3 Covid deaths have been reported in last 24 hrs, taking death toll at 25,113.
Meanwhile, the Covid infection in the city has climbed at 8.37 per cent, highest in last seven months. According to the Delhi Health department, the city had recorded 8.41 per cent positivity rate on May 17.
The number of active Covid cases have jumped at 14, 889 highest since May 27. According to the Health Department, Delhi had recorded the highest 16,378 active Covid cases on May 27.
The capital has, so far, detected 382 cases of new Covid variant Omicron. Of these, 57 have been discharged from the hospital.
With a 97.26 per cent Covid recovery rate, the active Covid cases rate in Delhi has gone up to 1.01 per cent and the death rate continues at 1.72 per cent.
With 1575 patients recovering in the last 24 hours, the total number of recoveries has gone to 14,23,699. A total of 8,593 Covid patients are being treated in home isolation at present.
Meanwhile, a total of 65,487 new tests — 50,461 RT-PCR and 15,026 Rapid Antigen – were conducted in the last 24 hours, taking the total to 3,29,91,171.
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