Delhi on Monday recorded 12,527 fresh Covid cases in the last 24 hrs, a significant decline of around 31 per cent from Sunday’s 18,286 cases. The fresh Covid infection has pushed the tally at 17,22,497.
In the same time, 24 deaths have also been reported, pushing the death toll at 25,387. The city had recorded 28 covid deaths yesterday.
Meanwhile, Delhi’s positivity rate stands at 27.99 per cent, a marginal growth from yesterday’s 27.87 per cent positivity. The active Covid cases have also registered a decline of around 6000 cases from yesterday’s 89,819 cases. The active cases stand at 83,982 as per the Delhi health department. With a 93.65 per cent Covid recovery rate, the active Covid cases rate in Delhi stands at 4.87 per cent while the death rate stands at 1.47 per cent.
With 18,340 patients recovering in the last 24 hours, the total number of recoveries has gone to 16,13,128. A total of 68,275 Covid patients are being treated in home isolation at present. The number of Covid containment zones has risen to 34,958.
Meanwhile, a total of 44,762 new tests — 39,767 RT-PCR and 4,995 Rapid Antigen – were conducted in the last 24 hours, taking the total to 3,41,04,825.
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