Renowned Bollywood filmmaker Boney Kapoor has vowed to introduce a short awareness film on hepatitis as a prologue in feature films screened across the nation. His announcement came during the 27th Hepatitis Day celebrations at the Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences (ILBS), New Delhi. Quoting a popular dialogue from one of his films, Kapoor declared, “Ek baar jo maine commitment kar di, toh fir main apne aap ki bhi nahi sunta,” drawing applause from the audience.
The event, themed “Hepatitis Elimination: A Social Responsibility,” was inaugurated by the Hon’ble Chief Secretary of Delhi, Sh. Dharmendra, at the APJ Abdul Kalam Auditorium of ILBS. Sh. Dharmendra also unveiled a special billing and counseling facility for the institute’s inpatients.
Spotlight on Collective Action
Addressing the gathering, Sh. Dharmendra emphasized the need for collective action to combat hepatitis, a significant public health challenge. He commended ILBS’s relentless efforts and called for greater public awareness through screenings, vaccinations, and early diagnosis. He also praised Kapoor’s initiative to involve the film industry in promoting healthy lifestyles.
Dignitaries present included Ms. L.S. Changsan, Additional Secretary (Policy & NCD) at the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW), Sh. Vipin Kumar, Chairman of the Airports Authority of India, and Dr. T. Dileep Kumar, President of the Nursing Council of India. Media support was provided by Bharat Express News Network, led by CMD and Editor-in-Chief Sh. Upendra Rai.
Activities and Achievements
The event offered free Hepatitis B vaccinations, fibroscan tests, and screenings for hepatitis B and C. Around 300 students from over 20 schools participated in poster, slogan, and awareness video competitions. ILBS Director Dr. S.K. Sarin underscored the importance of liver health, linking liver diseases to other conditions such as diabetes and heart disease.
Ms. L.S. Changsan highlighted India’s strides in combating hepatitis under the National Viral Hepatitis Control Program and the recently launched National Fatty Liver Reduction Initiative (NAFRI) – Vision 2047. She noted that over 13 crore people have been screened, with 4 lakh receiving free treatment.
Dr. Vandana Bagga, Director (Family Welfare), GNCTD, praised ILBS for its efforts in targeting young minds to spread awareness. She suggested extending ILBS’s screening programs to schools and colleges, particularly those under the Delhi government.
Celebrating Milestones
This year marked the 26th anniversary of the Yellow Ribbon Campaign, initiated by Dr. Shiv Kumar Sarin in 1998 to advocate for hepatitis elimination. Previous supporters include former President APJ Abdul Kalam and the Dalai Lama.
ILBS, a premier autonomous super-specialty institute under the Delhi government, has achieved several accolades, including NABH and NABL accreditations for excellence in healthcare and laboratory services.
The day concluded with prize distributions to competition winners and the vaccination of 150 attendees. Hepatitis Day reaffirmed the importance of a unified approach to tackling one of the world’s most pressing health challenges.
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