Amid the ongoing political crisis in the national capital, Delhi Lieutenant Governor VK Saxena on Thursday launched a fresh attack at chief minister Arvind Kejriwal alleging that the transfer file of the accused principal of Baba Saheb Ambedkar Medical College in the sexual harassment case has been held up by Mr Kejriwal for the last 45 days. Hitting back, Delhi Health minister Saurabah Bhardwaj said that health secretary made excuse that ‘molestation is beyond the preview of minister and it comes under LG”.
This comes days after Mr Bhardwaj, in a note to LG on March 20, had demanded the immediate removal of accused principal Dr Ishwar Singh from his post saying that he was uncooperative with the victims and that he discouraged them from pursuing the case further.
The LG office in a statement on Thursday said, “what raises serious doubts over the government’s motive is the fact that the file for the removal or transfer of Dr Ishwar Singh has been pending with CM since Feb 14 as the same has to be decided by the NCCSA, which is chaired by the chief minister. Member Secretary (NCCSA) had also sent reminders to the CM, but to no avail”.
As per the statement, LG in a note to the chief minister has brought out this glaring fact and lamented that neither transfer/posting nor “vigilance action on sensitive matters” could be initiated due to inaction on part of CM Kejriwal. The LG had sent the note to CM Arvid Kejriwal before his arrest on March 21.
Considering the gravity of the case, LG has already directed Delhi Police to expedite criminal proceedings. He has also directed the chief secretary to expedite disciplinary proceedings in the case.
Meanwhile, city health minister said “NCCSA is a lame excuse to protect the culprits”. Doctors are routinely sent to other places of work (detailment) without NCCSA meetings, he said. Raising concern over delay in ICC report, Mr Bhhardwaj said, “Students of medical college faced sexual molestation and health secretary intentionally did not inform the health minister. Health secretary made excuse that molestation is beyond preview of minister”.
“The irony lies in the fact that although the health minister has made a request for the transfer of the Principal of BSA Medical College and Hospital, the file for his transfer has been held up by you, as the chairman of NCCSA, since February 14, 2024. Despite reminders from the Member Secretary of NCCSA, the proposal is still pending for your recommendations on the matter,” LG has noted.
Mr Saxena has said it is evident that health minister has not consulted the chief minister in the matter. “It would be prudent that any note on a significant issue be submitted to me through the Chief Minister”, he said.
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